Today I had an epiphany. Once in a while I suddenly realize something and it’s like lightning upon me. The answer to an unasked question comes and it’s an amazing feeling. So this is it….Our life is like a dot to dot picture. When we connect the dots, we begin to see what and where we are headed in our journey we call life.
What do I mean???? Well, we get small gifts or hints in our lives that may seem insignificant to us at any given time. Like meeting a new person in an unusual manner half way across the world that helps you in your life and gives you a sense of comfort and connection. Running late and bumping into someone that has something important to tell you. Getting lost and driving to the wrong location, just to find the something you’ve needed, but didn’t know existed. Meeting someone and instantly knowing you were ‘meant to’ for a reason unknown at the time. Going through a very painful divorce, finding yourself and marring Mr. Right and living happily ever after, now. Or have you ever heard of someone having an injury that needed minor medical attention and finding out they actually have major medical issues and can be cured in time. I have.
Each day to day thing we do is a small dot on our full picture. We find it hard to imagine that dot 1 leads in the correct direction to dot 2, then 3 then 4 and so on. We seem to think its all random coincidences but actually there are no coincidences. It’s a plan. A perfectly planned out picture of what each of us is supposed to do while we are here.
At times, things can seem so difficult. So unimaginably painful, scary, or unpredictable. We live in the moment and at that moment we may find it difficult to move forward. To ever get past it to a positive place again. For me, I panic, I get an electrical feeling inside my entire body, I find it harder to breath, and all I can do is clean. Pretty funny. My house is cleanest when I’m stressed. I almost feel like it will never be okay again. Then, something else happens and either makes the issue better or takes the edge off and I can move on to just a minor stressed feeling. Then, I see the things that occurred because of the problem. I did something that made Me stronger within Myself, I became resourceful and found a way to solve the issue that I would never have thought of if I wasn’t so panicked, or I learned a lesson that I will take with me for my entire life.
When I sit back and see how one thing led to another and how that led to something greater, I can see the bigger picture. I feel like in order to fully see and understand, we need to be open to getting out our crayons, so to speak, and connecting the dots. It’s so amazing to me to see how doing something that seemed a mistake led to something so wonderful or eye opening. By just exploring the possibilities and searching through past events, you can see how you are where you are and headed to and in the correct direction. People in your life, a job, where you live, everything you are was a connection from something that preceded it. Life is about learning and growing. If we never had disappointment or pain, we wouldn’t fully understand, grow, become compassionate, and have gratitude. Each time we get through a difficult time, a positive thing has occurred. Even the most tragic and earth shattering experiences can lead to your right path in life.
At the end of our life we will see our full picture. Bright, colorful, and complete. Live each day to the fullest and know, the next dot might actually be in a place that surprises you the most. XOXO
About Me

- Alexa D Shannon
- I'm a mom with a handful of kids, (5). I've also been married for almost 27 years and with those 2 accomplishments ...I think I should have some extra letters after my name. Presently I'm living my other dream of being a Certified Life Coach and taking what I've learned and sharing it in many ways. I'll probably be blogging mainly about parenting, discipline, and basically helpful hint on raising happy, well adjusted, and respectful children. Happy being key for me. Some blogs may be funny and some may hit home for you. Enjoy reading them, I'm enjoying writing them. As far as Life Coaching, my clients range from parents with normal struggles of raising children, to marriage, to just trying to put life into perspective and find happiness and natural joy for themselves. I live with a medical issue and had to come to the realization that life is too short to let it bring me down. So, I'm living my life day to day and ENJOYING!!!! Lets get To The Heart Of The Matter....TOGETHER!