Day one of my brand new blog. Blog, what is a blog. I just got hooked on texting, which was encouraged by my children. They could reach me anytime, anywhere conveniently. I could know their whereabouts and short little problems where ever I may be. Standing in line at the grocery store or even enjoying a movie with some friends. What started out as a convenience, is now a necessity. Something I can't live without. A quick way to communicate with friends or even with people you , well frankly, don't want to talk to, but just need to give information to. Now, on to Blogging. I have no idea what to do with it. I have never read one, but I kind of have a feeling, I too will be hooked on this.
So, this is MY forum. My place to speak and well, who ever visits, has to listen. Sounds good to me. So what will I be speaking about, you may ask. I will be speaking about many issues. Hopefully, some will touch some part of your heart and soul. Some may not, but may pertain to someone you know that will be able to use the information. In that case, please feel free (and I encourage it) to pass on my blog address to them.
A little about me to begin...I am a mom of 5. Yes, I did press the right button-5 awesome children. I know for many it may sound a bit crazy, but when I married my husband 25 years ago, (yes, I was pretty young when I married), we decided we wanted to have a large family with lots of grandchildren and 5 was the magic number for us. I'm sure not too many people thought we'd follow through on our 'threat', but yes indeed, each and every one of them were well planned and very much wanted.
I have always been thankful to be a stay-at-home mom and be a part of each and every step of my children's lives. Field trips, class party's, sports, homework, and play dates, etc. I have loved every minute and as they are all getting older, saddened at the fact that they don't need me as much any more. Luckily, they actually like my opinions and to chit chat about their issues with me, so I see that life, as it had been, changes, but changes in a good way.
Getting to the exciting part of why I am writing a blog. Last year I decided the path I wanted to go in with my life was to become a Life Coach. I love helping people and encouraging them to strive for the goals they want, but may not think they can achieve. I began a Life Coaching Certification program run by, a woman I admire, Martha Beck. She is a Life Coach, an author of many books, writes for Oprah's O magazine and is our Tribe Leader, our inspiration.. On my journey, I have learned a lot about myself, as well as I have learned many ways to help others set their life on a path of happiness, fulfillment, and passion.
Come with me on this journey through my blog as we touch upon many issue from parenting a responsible, respectable, happy, loving, and independent child, to learning about our true essential self and how to achieve our dreams. Most importantly, finding true happiness in YOU!
Next blog we will get down to business....
About Me

- Alexa D Shannon
- I'm a mom with a handful of kids, (5). I've also been married for almost 27 years and with those 2 accomplishments ...I think I should have some extra letters after my name. Presently I'm living my other dream of being a Certified Life Coach and taking what I've learned and sharing it in many ways. I'll probably be blogging mainly about parenting, discipline, and basically helpful hint on raising happy, well adjusted, and respectful children. Happy being key for me. Some blogs may be funny and some may hit home for you. Enjoy reading them, I'm enjoying writing them. As far as Life Coaching, my clients range from parents with normal struggles of raising children, to marriage, to just trying to put life into perspective and find happiness and natural joy for themselves. I live with a medical issue and had to come to the realization that life is too short to let it bring me down. So, I'm living my life day to day and ENJOYING!!!! Lets get To The Heart Of The Matter....TOGETHER!